Training like the Pros: PGA Tour Golf Fitness Secrets
Oct 16, 2023Or are they secrets?
When it comes to golf, the professionals on the PGA Tour set the gold standard for fitness. They aren't just great golfers; they're finely-tuned athletes. So, what are their secrets to success? In this post, we'll unveil some of the key elements of their fitness routines that can help you take your golf game to the next level.
What’s been great to see over the last year has been an increased look behind the scenes into players Off-Course work. With the Netflix series ‘Full Swing’ we saw players in the gym warming up & working out post and pre rounds. We have had players like Lee Westwood and Justin Rose saying in interviews they work on their bodies more than they practice. Golfers are now starting to understand just how much work the top golfers in the world put into their bodies.
The Amateurs coming through now all have 180+ ball speed. Yes, there have been advancements in the equipment. But these guys and girls all follow programs of lifting and speed training. And they are consistent with the training. These things take time...
I’ve worked with clients who have had 30+ yards to their drives, it doesn’t happen overnight, and I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s easy, but I believe everyone has 15-30 yards on the table for gains. With the right program of mobility, nutrition and resistance training from 2 hours a week you can definitely push the needle!
What makes the Pros Pro?
Customisation - John Rahm is a great example of this. He has worked closely with the Titleist TPI team for years now and his body and golf is reflective of that. They are regularly testing and keeping track of his progress. His right leg is about half an inch shorter than his left, which limited his ankle mobility and how much he can turn into his trial hip. Therefore, he doesn’t follow generic workouts & programming.
Individualisation - Something we highly regard at Macro Golf. It’s the reason you can’t buy generic plans from us. And we offer all our App users a free consultation to guide them into certain plans or mobility exercises depending on their needs. If this is something that you might be interested in use the link below
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