How mobile do you need to be, to play good golf?

golf stretch mobility

 I'm going to start this one of with one of my favourite phrases 'It depends'.

Me and Joe have worked with 100's of golfers of varying abilities from pro's to high handicappers and a physical screening doesn't always correlate with their golfing ability. I've had 20 handicappers pass all my screenings, whilst some of my pros do not so well. Golf is a skill, so in short you don't have to be mobile to play good golf. That's it end of the blog.

But can being mobile help? Of course!

If you aren't very mobile you're more susceptible to injuries- A mobile body is less prone to injuries, as it distributes the forces generated during the swing more efficiently. Targeted mobility exercises can alleviate stress on joints and muscles, reducing the risk of common golf-related injuries.

A mobile body allows for smooth and fluid swing mechanics. Proper hip, shoulder, and thoracic spine mobility ensures that your swing is unrestricted, allowing you to generate power and achieve consistent ball striking

Golf demands a wide range of motion in different directions. Mobility training helps you achieve the flexibility required for various shots, whether it's a full-drive or an akward stance in a bunker.

Enhanced mobility contributes to a more enjoyable golfing experience. Being able to move freely without discomfort enables you to focus on the game and appreciate the beauty of the sport. Additionally, improved mobility supports overall joint health and longevity in golfing pursuits.

There are so many benefits to increasing your mobility. It's hard to put into statistics but we would argue here at Macro Golf, by being more mobile you are raising the ceiling of how much better you could get.  Whilst also enabling you to move more free in day to day life.



Macro Golf Coach

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