Golfers & Back Pain
Sep 19, 2023
One of the most common aches we deal with at Macro Golf is Lower Back Pain. The repetitive motion of the golf swing and the torque it places on the spine can lead to discomfort and even injury. I wanted to talk about 3 simple movements you can do daily to help stop the pain and strengthen your back, glutes and core to stop it coming back.
The Golf Swing and Back Pain
The golf swing is a complex, full-body movement that requires proper coordination and technique. Unfortunately, when executed incorrectly or excessively, it can place significant stress on the spine, leading to back pain. Here are some common reasons why golfers experience back discomfort:
- Repetitive Twisting: The golf swing involves a great deal of rotation in the spine. Over time, the cumulative effect of repeated twisting can strain the spinal structures, leading to pain.
- Poor Posture: Maintaining the correct posture throughout the swing is crucial. Poor posture can force the spine into unnatural positions, increasing the risk of injury.
- Muscle Imbalances: Golfers often develop muscle imbalances, with some muscles becoming overused while others are neglected. This imbalance can contribute to back pain.
- Excessive Practice: Golfers who spend long hours practicing or play frequently without proper conditioning are more susceptible to overuse injuries.
The McGill Big 3
Dr. Stuart McGill, a renowned spine researcher, has developed a set of exercises specifically designed to promote spine health and prevent back pain, making them particularly beneficial for golfers
Dr. Stuart McGill's "Big 3" exercises are designed to strengthen the core and stabilize the spine, providing golfers with the foundation they need to minimize back pain and optimize performance. Let's take a closer look at each of these exercises:
- The Curl-Up: This exercise focuses on engaging the rectus abdominis muscles while maintaining a neutral spine position. It helps improve abdominal endurance, crucial for stability during the golf swing.
- The Side Plank: The side plank targets the oblique muscles, which play a significant role in stabilizing the spine during rotation. A strong side plank can enhance your ability to maintain proper posture throughout your swing.
- The Bird-Dog: This exercise promotes coordination and balance. It strengthens the muscles of the lower back and glutes while challenging the core's ability to stabilize the spine against movement.
https://youtu.be/2_e4I-brfqs Heres a demonstraition of how to perfrom them. There are these 3 and many more mobility exercises in the Macro Golf App Click here to start you FREE TRIAL.
These 3 exercises are the first things I do every single day after my mobility in the morning. This time last year I slipped a disc in my back. I used this exercises to recover along side my workouts and within 3 months I was stronger and quicker than ever! They are great as you don’t need any equipment so very low barrier to entry.
If anyone is reading this with back pain please do GET IN TOUCH, I pride myself after going through it, on recover and strengthening back injuries. I know how debilitating they can be, so more than happy to jump on a call to talk through different procedures you could follow.
Back pain doesn't have to be an inevitable part of your golfing experience. By incorporating the McGill Big 3 exercises into your fitness routine, you can strengthen your core, stabilize your spine, and reduce the risk of golf-related back pain. Remember, a healthy spine is crucial for a powerful and pain-free golf swing, allowing you to enjoy the game you love for years to come.
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